Homeward Bound

8 more days, and I’m Texas bound! It’ll be a short visit before I return to Romania, but my future plans have only just begun.

What an experience the last three months have been. I can’t wait to be back around my friends and family, tell stories about the times I’ve had, what I’ve seen, and what I’m going to do! 

It’s been over a full year since I’ve released any music. So much has happened, so much needed to change, and many steps needed to be taken to get back to a position where I could release new music. 

I can proudly say that we’ve done what we needed to do to finally make it happen. I have completely built an amazing team to not only create, but build a foundation that will continuously brand a style of music that will last. 

Life I’ve Lived is a song that represents what has happened in my life, how it has brought me to where I am, and how the low points made me appreciate the good times. 

The first line of the song, “They all tried to kill me, before I was even born” sets the theme for the song’s entirety. It represents the story of my mother, a thirteen year old girl who became pregnant, was pressured to have an abortion, but stood behind her faith and made an extremely brave decision to give me the gift of life. 

In a time of division set upon us by the reversal of “Roe vs Wade”, it’s our intention to provide a different perspective by showing a life that almost never was. I can tell you the story of the life I’ve lived because I was given the greatest gift one could ever receive, being the gift of life. 

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